- About me -

Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Kristen. Full time soccer mom to three littles. In 2020, my husband and I got the crazy idea to take our 1 & 3 year old on a 16-hour road trip for our first family vacation. THEY. LOVED. IT. Ever since, my favorite hobby has been planning our next family adventure. I love researching new destinations, writing itineraries, and finding unique places that we can explore together as a family. I truly believe that traveling with littles is not only possible, but can be an absolute joy! 

The family behind Midwest Travel Mama

We’re just your average family of 5; mom, dad, big sis, and two little brothers. We live smack dab in the middle of the US. We aren’t full time travelers. We have an HOA, our kids go to public school, we spend our evenings running from one activity to the next, just like you. But we love to travel! We are always planning our next trip, and I am always on the look out for great, family -friendly destinations to travel to that fit within our budget. 

We typically travel around the normal school schedule. Most of our big travel is focused in the summer, but we also try to do several long weekend getaways throughout the school year. We love road trips, and exploring the Midwest! There are so many hidden gems right in our backyard, and we can’t wait to find them!

NW arkansas